Awards and accreditations
From business excellence, industry-leading customer service to campaigns which change lives for the better, Wheatley Group is leading the way in Scotland, the UK and in Europe.
- Wheatley Homes Glasgow - UK Housing Awards - Excellence in community-led decision-making
- Wheatley Group - UK Housing Awards - Best use of data intelligence
- Wheatley Homes Glasgow and Wyndford Futures Focus Group - TPAS National Good Practice Awards - Tenant Team of the Year
- Ellen MacLauchlan, Housing Specialist Officer - UK Contact Centre Forum Awards - Senior Agent of the Year
- Robyn Cawdron, Customer Service Advisor -UK Contact Centre Forum Awards - Agent of the Year
- Lee-Anne McHugh, Customer Experience Manager - UK Contact Centre Forum Awards - Customer Experience Manager of the Year
- Michael Armstrong, Head of Resource, Performance and Improvement - UK Contact Centre Forum Awards - Contact Centre Manager of the Year
- Loretto Housing - Inside Housing Development Awards 2023 - Best affordable housing development , Queens Quay
- Wheatley Group Fire Safety Team – British Safety Council 2023 – Team of the Year Award
- Wheatley Group Fire Safety Team – Fire Safety Matters Awards 2023 – Fire Safety Team of the Year Award
- Wheatley Foundation – Scottish Home Awards 2023 – Community Contribution award
- Wheatley Homes East - Scotland Energy Efficiency Awards 2023 - Regional Housing Association or Landlord of the Year
- Wheatley Group - Herald Property Awards - Best Regeneration Project
- Wheatley Group - CIH Scotland Housing awards - Excellence in Customer Service
- Wheatley Group - CIH Scotland Housing awards - Excellence in Housing Innovation
- Wheatley Foundation - enei Inclusivity Excellence Awards - Driving Social Mobility and Social Inclusion in the Workplace
- Wheatley Group – Scotland Loves Local awards - Town Centre Living award
- Wheatley Group - Aico Community awards 2022 – Resident Engagement award
- Wheatley Group - ASCP Safety and Compliance Awards - Best Initiative to Combat Fuel Poverty
- Wheatley Homes South - Institute of Revenues, Rating and Valuation Performance Awards - Excellence in Partnership Working
- Wheatley Group - CIPR 2022 Scotland PRide Awards - Best Staff Wellbeing Initiative
- Revive Scotland - CIH Scotland Housing Awards 2022 - Excellence in housing innovation
- Wheatley Group - CIH Scotland Housing Awards 2022 - Excellence in communication
- Wheatley Group Fire Safety Team – Aico Community Awards 2022 – Resident Engagement Award
- Wheatley Group – Scottish Housing Awards 2022 – Excellence in Communications
- Wheatley Group in partnership with Homefinder UK – Scottish Housing Awards 2022 - Excellence in Housing Innovation: Revive Scotland
- Wheatley Homes South – Institute of Revenues, Rating and Valuation Performance Award 2022 - partnership working with Dumfries and Galloway Council
- Wheatley Group: The CIH Scotland housing awards – Communications in a crisis
- Wheatley Group: The CIH Scotland housing awards – Excellence in customer service for Wheatley's NETs
- DGHP: The CIH Scotland housing awards – Excellence in housing innovation award for ‘Amazon meets Annan: a cutting edge repairs service for rural housing stock’
- Wheatley Group: Investors in People - Platinum Award
- Wheatley Group: Investors in Young People
- Wheatley Group and City Building Glasgow: ASCP Safety & Compliance Awards – Customer Service Excellence, Gas Contractor of the Year and Best Initiative to Combat Fuel poverty
- GHA, Lowther and Collective Architecture: Herald Property Awards 2021 – Best Renovation and Conversion of the Year for Bell Street Stables
- Wheatley Group, RSL of the Year, Homes for Scotland Awards 2021
- Buckley Street, Medium development of the Year, Homes for Scotland Awards 2021
- Hinshewood Drive, Large development of the Year Homes for Scotland Awards 2021
- Wheatley Group Communications team, Best Internal Communications campaign, CIPR Pride Awards 2021
- Jamie Lee Strang (TSS), Bright Spark Award, Scottish Social Services Awards 2021
- The Ensemble, ‘Local Hero’ award, Scotland.Association of Independent Music Award 2021
- Wheatley Group and partners Glasgow City Council, Changing Lives at the Bellgrove Hotel, Working in Partnership, CIH Scotland Housing Awards for Excellence 2021
- Wheatley Group, Changing lives in a pandemic, Excellence in organisational change, CIH Scotland Housing Awards for Excellence 2021
- Wheatley Group, More than a landlord, Excellence in health and wellbeing, CIH Scotland Housing Awards for Excellence 2021
- Wheatley Group, Communicating in a pandemic, Excellence in communications, CIH Scotland Housing Awards for Excellence 2021
- Wheatley Group: Investors in Young People
- Wheatley Group: Scottish Home Awards - Renovation of the Year for Bell Street Stables
- Wheatley Group: Scottish Home Awards - Housing Regeneration Project of the Year for Greenview School in Parkhouse
- Wheatley Group: CIPR Excellence Awards - Best publication: The Key
- Lowther and GHA: Scottish Design Awards - Affordable Housing Category for Bell Street Stables regeneration
- Wheatley Group: EFQM 7 Stars
- Wheatley Group: EFQM - Most Outstanding Contribution to Society
- Wheatley Group: Customer Service Excellence - 23 areas of best practice
- Wheatley Group: Investors in People - Platinum award
- Wheatley Group: Interact Intranet Awards - Best use of video
- Wheatley Group and City Building: ASCP Safety and Compliance Awards – Best Initiative to Combat Fuel Poverty
- Wheatley Group: ASCP Safety and Compliance Awards – Safety Training and Development Award
- Wheatley Group: Communicate Magazine Internal Communications and Engagement Awards - Best intranet Silver Award
- Loretto Care: Scottish Social Services Awards: Taking a Different Approach winner for the Ensemble project
- Wheatley Foundation: Corporate Engagement Awards - Gold Award for Best Foundation
- Wheatley Group: Institute of Internal Communications Scotland - Best online site
- Wheatley Group: Chartered Institute of Public Relations Scotland PRide Awards - Outstanding In-House Public Relations Team of the Year
- Wheatley Group: Chartered Institute of Housing (CIH) Scotland Excellence awards - Wheatley Group’s ‘Transforming our frontline response to domestic abuse’
- Wheatley Group: Chartered Institute of Housing (CIH) Scotland Excellence awards - 415 Livingwell Innovation Hub
- Wheatley Group: 24Housing Awards - Best Apprenticeship scheme
- Wheatley Group: Chartered Institute of Housing (CIH) Scotland Excellence awards - GHA’s Jennifer Russell
- Wheatley Group: Chartered Institute of Housing (CIH) Scotland Excellence awards - Wheatley Group’s Jenna Lamb.
- Wheatley Group: Scottish Apprenticeship Awards - Promoting Diversity Large Employer of the Year.
- Wheatley Group: Inside Housing Development Awards - Best Development Team
- Wheatley Group: Verint Engage 18 Annual Customer Awards - Simplifying Customer Engagement
- Wheatley Group: Investors in Young People - Gold
- Loretto Housing Association and Loretto Care: Investors in People - Excellence in Leadership and Management
- Dunedin Canmore: Quality Scotland – Recognised for Excellence 5-star
- Dunedin Canmore: Quality Scotland – Scottish Award for Business Excellence winner
- Dunedin Canmore: Quality Scotland – Adding Value for Customers Good Practice Award
- Barony: Quality Scotland – Committed to Excellence
- Loretto Housing Association: Quality Scotland – Committed to Excellence
- GHA: Scottish Home Awards - Housing Association of the Year
- GHA: Scottish Home Awards - Large affordable housing development of the year for Dougrie Drive (with CCG (Scotland) Ltd)
- Loretto Housing: Investors in People - Platinum award
- Loretto Care: Investors in People - Platinum award
- GHA: CIH Excellence Awards - Excellence in Development for Affordable Housing - Dougrie Drive
- Cube: CIH Excellence Awards - Excellence in customer service for Block Talk
- YourPlace: CIH Excellence Awards - Apprentice of the year for Caitlin Donald
- Wheatley Group: Scottish Procurement Awards - Best Use of Rebate Award for Changing Lives programme
- Wheatley Group: Institute of Internal Communications - Best Online Site
- Wheatley Group Chief Executive Martin Armstrong: Institute of Directors Scotland: Director of the Year (large business)
- Loretto Care: Holyrood Magazine Digital Health and Care Awards - Digital Innovation award.
- GHA: European Foundation for Quality Management (EFQM): Global Excellence Award.
- GHA: Investors in People (IIP): Apprentice Employer of the year (500+ employees)
- GHA: Investors in People (IIP): Platinum Employer of the year (250 - 4,999 employees).
- Cube: Investors in People Platinum
- WLHP: European Foundation for Quality Management (EFQM) – ‘Committed to Excellence’
- WLHP: Quality Scotland’s 25th Anniversary Awards – Scottish Awards for Business Excellence
- Dunedin Canmore: Investors in People (IiP) Gold
- Loretto Care: Quality Scotland Awards: Good Practice Award: Succeeding through the Talent of People
- Loretto Care: Quality Scotland Awards: Recognised for Excellence 5-star
- Customer Service Excellence – accreditation (with 19 compliance plus)
- Sunday Times top 100 not for profit organisations (ranked at number 47)
- Healthy Working Lives – Gold
- Herald Diversity Awards - Commendation in Youth Employment.
- GHA: European Foundation for Quality Management (EFQM): Best in Europe for Building Organisational Capability
- GHA: Investors in People Platinum
- GHA: Investors in People Gold Employer of the Year (not for profit)
- Customer Service Excellence accreditation – 16 ratings of Compliance Plus and 34 ratings of Full Compliance
- Scottish Accountancy & Finance Awards – Public Sector Finance Team of the Year
- Inspiring City Awards: Education Award – John Wheatley Learning Network, a partnership between Glasgow Kelvin College and Wheatley Group
- CIH Excellence: Campaign Award Winner – Wheatley Group (Let’s Tackle Poverty).
- Gas Safety Manager Awards – President’s Award for Regional Organisation of the Year Scotland
- Gas Safety Manager Awards – Gas Safety Training Programme for Organisational Staff 2015
- Investors in People Gold – Wheatley Solutions (Wheatley Group Services)
- Investors in Young People
- Customer Service Excellence – Wheatley Group Services
- Surf Awards: Employability Award – Wheatley Pledge
- Healthy Working Lives: Silver – Wheatley Group Services.