Applying for a home

How to get started on MyHousing.

Our housing information, advice and letting service, MyHousing, launched in November 2019. If you are looking for a full or mid-market rental with our partner organisation Lowther Homes, you can also now access their available homes through MyHousing.

It's fair, easy to use and offers a more personalised advice service to anyone looking for a home. 

Visit our MyHousing website today at and click on 'Register'.

Our new Housing Information, Advice and Letting Policy for our Registered Social Landlords

As part of our MyHousing service, we have a new Housing Information, Advice and Letting Policy.

Click on the links below to read the policy for each of our Registered Social Landlords:

Our Housing Information, Advice and Letting Policy for mid-market and full-market rent

Click on the link below to read the policy for mid-market and full-market rental with Lowther:
